
The NetCAT 7.1 introductory chat was held on 09/09/2011(dd/mm/yy). The chat was headed by Jiri Kovalsky, NetBeans Community Manager in special presence of Marian Mirilovic, NetBeans Quality Engineering manager. I attended the chat and found it very useful for those who want to contribute to the testing of the NetBeans IDE development builds.

The whole chat was very informative and included many useful links for a NetCAT participant. Being a NetCAT participant  i wished to have all of them listed in one single place. So, here i have listed all the useful links mentioned in the introductory chat and also added a few more that I found important.

1. If you want to know what is NetCAT all about visit :


2. If you wish to see the existing NetCAT participants visit:


3.  If you wish to see NetCAT Tribe which is a group of few NetCAT participants focusing primarily on testing one particular functionality area visit:


4. This link answers almost all your queries regarding NetCAT:


5. NetBeans active users base has exceeded 1 million developers. See here 🙂


6. Team of NetBeans engineers who are subscribed to netcat@netbeans.org mailing list and who are also expected to monitor NetCAT web forum.


7. This page lists all of the new tutorials that should work with NetBeans IDE    7.0.


8. This provides useful guidelines on how to file a Bug.


9. This gives an archive of all the activity going on NetCAT mailing list.


10. See here for activity comparison from NetCAT 7.0


11. See here for the NetBeans release roadmap which defines what the NetBeans open source project strives to achieve


12. Last but not the least to subscribe to this NetCAT program add your record to a registration Wiki page and subscribe to netcat@netbeans.org mailing list. 🙂 🙂 

NUG Nagpur had organized a two days Netbeans Platform Training at Infospectrum Nagpur on 27th and 28th Nov 2010 .

As a beginner of learning Netbeans platform i always used to find it difficult to start learning it. Even before trying to develop something and learning from the tutorials available online on Netbeans platform i used to think that its out of my reach.

Then i came to know about NUG Nagpur and joined it.Here we step by step began to know about Netbeans  through proper links to the tutorials suggested by Tushar Joshi sir who is heading this group. Having done that then Tushar Joshi sir organized this Netbeans Platform Training program and believe me after attending it my view has changed.  It has inspired me that what one needs to do is just to start exploring it step by step and believe me friends once you get into exploring Netbeans platform you cant help getting out of it. It has a pool of facilities created already by Netbeans platform developers across the world plus a large compatibility for what you can yourself develop inside it.

The training was a live interaction and covered the most important API s of Netbeans platform. We were 17 participants who did this training. We also had people from Canada and Togo attending this training. We are thankful to Geertjan Wielenga Sir who spent his valuable time to make this training possible. His teaching was very understandable and he was very patient while we were trying the demos as taught by him. As i mentioned earlier it was an interactive teaching so we asked doubts and no matter how simple or complex they may be they were cleared nicely by Tushar Joshi sir and Geertjan Wielenga Sir .We are now Netbeans Certified Associate. 🙂

I have never attended such a nice interactive training before.  Its a noteworthy point that no one in India has initiated such a training program. I am thankful to Tushar Joshi Sir because of whom we got such a nice platform to start our learning of Netbeans platform. I hope more trainings like this can be conducted and soon we would be able to contribute to the Netbeans platform and become a Netbeans Certified Enginner . 🙂

I suggest all those who want to start their learning of Netbeans Platform to come and join NUG Nagpur which is the best platform to learn Netbeans Platform 🙂

This is the group photo of the participants of the Training :

While working in Netbeans IDE we often need some most frequently used tools. And invoking these tools right from their actual location , each time we need them is a tedious job. Instead we can add our own toolbar to meet our frequent requirements. So here i will show you  how we can group our own set of tools under one toolbar which we can create on our own.

In the Netbeans editor in the menu bar go to View->Toolbars->Customize…

following dialogue box would open..

Now click on New Toolbar…and in the dialog box that opens, give the desired name for new toobar. Say “utility” and click OK to proceed.

Now we can see that it shows the new toolbar added by us “utility”

We can now drag and drop the tools we desire to add to this toolbar “utility” from the same dialogue box as shown below:  suppose we want to add “step into” tool then select it and without releasing the mouse drag and drop it into this toolbar “utility”.

Then we can see that the “step into” tool has been added into the toolbar like this :

After that we can add as many tools as we want. Suppose we have added more tools then it will look like this:

If you want to hide this self made toolbar then right click on it and uncheck your toolbar “utility” from it.

At anytime if we want to delete this toolbar we can simply click on the Reset Toolbar as can be seen on the snapshot above  and this newly added toolbar will be removed from there.